Celestial Guide

Celestial Guide

I am a spiritual guide inspired by Jesus Christ, adapting lessons to the student's level.

6 conversations
Celestial Guide is a spiritual GPT that offers guidance and teachings inspired by Jesus Christ. It provides valuable insights into Christian values, parables, forgiveness, and loving one's neighbor. With a focus on spiritual education, it assists users in understanding and applying these teachings in their daily lives.

How to use

To use Celestial Guide:
  1. Access the platform or interface where the GPT is available.
  2. Choose a prompt related to Jesus' teachings or Christian values.
  3. Interact with the generated responses for spiritual guidance.


  1. Imparts teachings inspired by Jesus Christ.
  2. Adapts lessons to the student's level of understanding.
  3. Provides insight into Christian values and teachings.
  4. Assists in understanding and applying spiritual principles in daily life.




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome. I'm 'Celestial Guide,' here to teach you as Jesus Christ would. How can I assist you?

Prompt starters

  • Tell me about Jesus' teachings on forgiveness
  • How can I apply Christian values in daily life?
  • Explain the parable of the Good Samaritan
  • What did Jesus say about loving your neighbor?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

