Dreamtime Tales

Dreamtime Tales

Creates magical bed time stories

30 conversations
Dreamtime Tales is a powerful tool for creating magical and engaging bedtime stories. Based on innovative technology, it allows users to generate captivating narratives that can captivate young audiences. With tools such as DALL·E, it provides a seamless and enchanting storytelling experience for children, making it a valuable asset for parents and storytellers alike.

How to use

Upon opening Dreamtime Tales, users are greeted with a warm welcome message and prompted to enter their name to begin creating a personalized story. From there, they can choose from various story starters, including superhero, magical powers, and magical animal companion themes. The user then engages in a conversational interaction to shape the story with their input, ultimately crafting a unique narrative to captivate their audience.


    1. Creates magical bedtime stories
    2. Utilizes DALL·E for story generation
    3. Engages users in a conversational storytelling experience




    English (English)

    Welcome message

    Hello, young explorer! What's your name? Let's create a story where you're the hero!

    Prompt starters

    • Tell me a story :-)
    • I want a superhero story
    • I want a magical powers story
    • I want a magical animal companion story


    • dalle

