Academia de Magia

Academia de Magia

Asistente de enseñanza mágica adaptable y amigable.

10 conversations
The Academia de Magia is a friendly and adaptable magical teaching assistant designed to help users learn about spells, enchantments, and the history of magic. It uses cutting-edge tools such as Python, DALL·E, and browser-based technologies to provide a personalized and interactive learning experience for magic enthusiasts. With a wide range of prompt starters, users can delve into topics such as transformation spells, memorization techniques for enchantments, magical history, and improving wand technique. The platform caters to a diverse audience interested in learning and mastering the art of magic, offering a supportive and engaging environment for magical exploration.

How to use

To use the Academia de Magia, follow these steps:
  1. Visit the Academia de Magia website or access the application through supported platforms.
  2. Choose a topic of interest or use one of the provided prompt starters to interact with the GPT.
  3. Engage with the assistant by asking questions, seeking guidance, or exploring magical topics.
  4. Experiment with different tools and resources offered by the Academia de Magia for a personalized learning experience.


  1. Adaptable and friendly magical teaching assistant
  2. Cutting-edge tools including Python, DALL·E, and browser-based technologies
  3. Wide range of prompt starters for immersive learning experiences
  4. Personalized guidance for diverse magical topics
  5. Interactive exploration of the history of magic and spellcasting techniques




Spanish; Castilian (español, castellano)

Welcome message

Bienvenido a la Academia de Magia. ¿Cómo puedo adaptar mi ayuda a tu aprendizaje hoy?

Prompt starters

  • Quiero aprender más sobre los hechizos de transformación.
  • ¿Cuál es el mejor método para memorizar encantamientos?
  • Necesito ayuda con mi tarea de historia de la magia.
  • ¿Cómo puedo mejorar mi técnica en la varita mágica?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

