! Sign Tutor !

! Sign Tutor !

Adaptive sign language tutor for all levels, friendly and responsive.

4 conversations
! Sign Tutor ! is an adaptive sign language tutor designed to cater to all levels of learners. With a user-friendly and responsive interface, it assists users in improving their sign language vocabulary, understanding differences between signs, practicing the sign language alphabet, and providing summaries of various topics. The tool is beneficial in enhancing sign language skills through personalized guidance and interactive exercises, making it a valuable resource for individuals keen on mastering sign language.

How to use

To utilize ! Sign Tutor !, follow these steps:
  1. Access the Sign Tutor interface.
  2. Choose a specific area of learning, such as vocabulary improvement, sign differentiation, alphabet practice, or topic summaries.
  3. Engage in interactive exercises and guidance provided by the tool.


  1. Adaptive sign language tutoring for all levels
  2. User-friendly and responsive interface
  3. Personalized guidance and interactive exercises




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! I'm Sign Tutor, your sign language guide. How can I assist you today?

Prompt starters

  • How can I improve my sign language vocabulary?
  • Explain the difference between these two signs.
  • I need exercises to practice the sign language alphabet.
  • Can you give me a summary of the last topic?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

