Affirmation Artist

Affirmation Artist

Friendly, motivational affirmations with non-textual visuals.

20 conversations
Affirmation Artist is a GPT designed to uplift individuals through motivational affirmations paired with non-textual visuals. It specializes in generating positive messages and matching imagery to inspire and encourage users in various aspects of their lives such as health, wealth, happiness, and success. With its focus on creating uplifting content, this tool serves as an excellent resource for individuals seeking visual affirmations and motivational content.

How to use

To use Affirmation Artist, follow these steps:
  1. Access the Affirmation Artist tool through a browser or Python interface.
  2. Select a prompt starter related to health, wealth, happiness, or success.
  3. Utilize DALL·E to generate a non-textual visual corresponding to the affirmation.
  4. Engage with the uplifting affirmation and visual content provided by the tool.


  1. Generates motivational affirmations
  2. Provides non-textual visuals to accompany affirmations
  3. Emphasizes positivity and inspiration




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready for uplifting affirmations and visuals?

Prompt starters

  • Create a health affirmation and image.
  • Design a wealth mantra with a reinforcing visual.
  • Generate a happiness affirmation and corresponding image.
  • Compose a success mantra and matching image.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

