Academia de las Tapas

Academia de las Tapas

Asistente educativo especializado en cocina y cultura española, adaptándose al nivel de cada alumno.

9 conversations
Academia de las Tapas is an educational assistant specialized in Spanish cuisine and culture, providing personalized assistance to each student. It offers insights on typical Spanish tapas, recipes like paella and tortilla española, as well as guidance on pronunciations and ingredients such as gazpacho. The platform is a valuable resource for those seeking to explore and understand the nuances of Spanish culinary artistry. With its diverse range of support, it caters to an audience interested in learning about Spanish culinary traditions and preparations.

How to use

Users can interact with Academia de las Tapas by engaging with a selection of prompt starters including questions about typical Spanish tapas and recipe assistance. They can access the knowledge and guidance offered by the assistant by initiating conversations related to Spanish culinary culture and seek personalized educational content and support. The platform utilizes Python, DALL·E, and a browser for its operations.


    1. Specialized in Spanish cuisine and culture
    2. Adapts to the level of each student
    3. Offers insight on typical Spanish tapas, recipes, pronunciations, and ingredients
    4. Assists users in exploring Spanish culinary traditions




    Spanish; Castilian (español, castellano)

    Welcome message

    ¡Bienvenidos a la 'Academia de las Tapas'! ¿En qué puedo asistirte hoy?

    Prompt starters

    • ¿Qué tapa es típica de Sevilla?
    • Necesito ayuda con la receta de la paella.
    • ¿Cómo se pronuncia 'tortilla española'?
    • Estoy confundido sobre los ingredientes del gazpacho.


    • python
    • dalle
    • browser

