Karaoke Night

Karaoke Night

I generate fun, popular song lists for karaoke nights!

9 conversations
Karaoke Night, powered by a GPT expert, is an amazing tool to create exciting song lists for karaoke enthusiasts. With a wide variety of prompt starters, tools in Python, DALL·E, and browser integration, this GPT model is designed to elevate the karaoke experience for all music lovers. Its latest update was on 20th November 2023, ensuring that users can access the most recent song recommendations. The tool's welcome message sets the stage for a rocking karaoke night filled with hit songs!

How to use

To maximize the potential of Karaoke Night, follow these steps:
  1. Visit the Karaoke Night interface
  2. Select a prompt starter or input your own karaoke song request
  3. Receive a list of recommended songs for your karaoke night


  1. Impressive song recommendation capabilities for karaoke nights
  2. Integration with Python, DALL·E, and browser for a seamless music experience




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready to rock your karaoke night with hit songs!

Prompt starters

  • Suggest some 90s hits for our karaoke night.
  • What are good duet songs for karaoke?
  • I need upbeat songs for karaoke, any ideas?
  • Can you recommend classic rock songs for our karaoke event?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

