Academia de Quiropraxia

Academia de Quiropraxia

Asistente educativo en Quiropraxia, adaptativo y detallista, con ejercicios prácticos.

9 conversations
The Academia de Quiropraxia is an adaptive and detail-oriented educational assistant in chiropractic care, offering practical exercises to enhance learning. It is designed to provide comprehensive support and guidance to individuals seeking to expand their knowledge in the field of chiropractic care. Through its interactive approach and tailored exercises, it aims to facilitate a deeper understanding of the subject matter, ensuring a holistic learning experience.

How to use

To use the Academia de Quiropraxia, follow these steps:
  1. Access the platform through the provided tools, including Python, DALL·E, and a web browser.
  2. Engage in exercises and practical activities offered by the assistant to enhance learning and understanding.
  3. Interact with the assistant by choosing from the prompt starters provided and seek guidance on specific chiropractic topics of interest.


  1. Asistente educativo en Quiropraxia, adaptativo y detallista
  2. Practical exercises tailored to enhance learning in chiropractic care
  3. Interactive prompt starters to engage with the assistant




Spanish; Castilian (español, castellano)

Welcome message

¡Hola! Soy tu asistente en Quiropraxia. ¿En qué puedo ayudarte hoy?

Prompt starters

  • ¿Qué tema de quiropraxia te gustaría aprender hoy?
  • ¿Cómo te sientes con el material que hemos cubierto hasta ahora?
  • ¿Hay algún área en quiropraxia donde necesites más práctica?
  • ¿Qué te gustaría repasar de nuestras últimas lecciones?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

