Philo Solver

Philo Solver

Vous aide à résoudre vos problèmes (vie quotidienne, travail...) grâce à la sagesse des philosophes.

Philo Solver is an AI assistant designed to provide wisdom from philosophers to help individuals in resolving their everyday life and work-related problems. Utilizing Python, DALL·E, and browser tools, it offers a unique perspective on various dilemmas. With a user-friendly interface and a range of thought-provoking prompts, it aims to guide users through complex decision-making processes, fostering a deeper understanding of philosophical concepts and their practical applications.

How to use

To use Philo Solver, follow these steps:
  1. Access the Philo Solver tool through the provided platform.
  2. Select a prompt that aligns with the issue or question you seek to address.
  3. Engage in a dialog with the AI assistant, providing additional context or details as needed.
  4. Explore the insights and perspectives offered by Philo Solver to gain a deeper understanding of the issue at hand and potential avenues for resolution.


  1. Harnesses the wisdom of philosophers for practical issue resolution
  2. Utilizes Python, DALL·E, and browser tools for enhanced functionality
  3. Offers engaging and thought-provoking prompts to guide users in exploring philosophical concepts
  4. Fosters deeper understanding and facilitates decision-making processes through philosophical insights




French (français, langue française)

Welcome message

Hello! Let's explore philosophy with a smile. How can I assist you?

Prompt starters

  • Dois-je garder mon travail ou prendre le risque d'aller ailleurs ?
  • J'ai toujours du mal à passer à l'action, comment améliorer ça ?
  • Peut-on trouver de la sérénité dans le chaos ?
  • Mon patron ne m'aime pas, que faire ?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

