

Català - Guia del budisme: ensenyaments, Meditació, Sutres

2 conversations
The GPT named Budisme is a comprehensive and in-depth guide to Buddhism, covering teachings, meditation, and scriptures. It contains valuable information on the different schools of Buddhism, the concept of karma, impermanence, and the cause of suffering as per the Four Noble Truths. Additionally, it explores the significant scriptures and their teachings in Buddhism. This GPT is an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to understand the principles and practices of Buddhism in detail, making it beneficial for individuals interested in learning about this ancient philosophy and spiritual tradition.

How to use

To use the Budisme GPT, follow these steps:
  1. Access the GPT interface or API
  2. Pose questions related to Buddhism, such as the different schools, concept of karma, impermanence, or key scriptures
  3. Review the generated responses for comprehensive and accurate information


  1. Comprehensive coverage of Buddhism teachings, meditation, and scriptures
  2. Insights into different schools of Buddhism and their teachings
  3. In-depth exploration of essential concepts like karma, impermanence, and the cause of suffering
  4. Detailed information on significant scriptures and their teachings




Catalan; Valencian (Català)

Prompt starters

  • Quines escoles de budisme hi ha?
  • Qui és el fundador del budisme?
  • Què significa karma en el budisme?
  • Què simbolitza el Bodhisattva Guan Yin?
  • Quin és el concepte d'impermanència en el budisme?
  • Quina és la causa del patiment a les Quatre Nobles Veritats?
  • Quina escriptura budista és la més important?
  • Quines escriptures budistes ensenyen sobre quins temes?


  • python

