बौद्ध धर्म

बौद्ध धर्म

डोगरी - बौद्ध धर्म दा मार्गदर्शक: शिक्षा, ध्यान, सूत्र

2 conversations
The GPT is a guide to Dogri - Buddhist teachings covering education, meditation, and principles. It provides comprehensive insights into the founding principles, the meaning of karma, the representation of Bodhisattva Guan Yin, the concept of impermanence, the causes of suffering, and the significance of various Buddhist scriptures on different subjects.

How to use

Users can access the GPT by initiating a conversation and asking questions related to the following topics:
  1. Buddhist schools of thought
  2. Founding figure of Buddhism
  3. Interpretation of karma in Buddhism
  4. Symbolism of Bodhisattva Guan Yin
  5. Concept of impermanence in Buddhism
  6. Causes of suffering according to Buddhist doctrine
  7. Significance of various Buddhist scriptures on different subjects


  1. Comprehensive guidance on Dogri - Buddhist teachings
  2. Covers education, meditation, and principles of Buddhism
  3. Insightful explanations on key concepts of Buddhist philosophy
  4. Accessible information on symbolism and scriptures in Buddhism




Hindi (हिन्दी, हिंदी)

Prompt starters

  • बौद्ध धर्म दे केह्-केह् स्कूल न ?
  • बौद्ध धर्म दा संस्थापक कुन ऐ ?
  • बौद्ध धर्म च कर्म दा केह् मतलब ऐ ?
  • गुआन यिन बोधिसत्व क्या प्रतीक ऐ?
  • बौद्ध धर्म च अनित्यता दी अवधारणा केह् ऐ ?
  • चार उदात्त सच्चें च दुखें दा कारण केह् ऐ ?
  • कुस बौद्ध शास्त्र दा सबतूं मता महत्व ऐ ?
  • कुन कुन बौद्ध शास्त्र किस विषय दे बारे च सिखांदे न?


  • python

