LED Vision Assistant providing guidance on LED technology, products, and design.

10 conversations
Professional Fields
LED Vision Assistant, known as LEDAI, is an advanced tool designed to provide guidance on LED technology, products, and design. With its wealth of information and expertise, it caters specifically to professionals in the field of LED lighting. LEDAI offers an unparalleled resource for understanding LED lighting, its benefits, and practical design insights, making it an essential asset for anyone involved in LED technology and design.

How to use

To make use of LEDAI, follow these simple steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation with LEDAI by using the provided prompt starters.
  2. Engage with LEDAI to receive expert advice on LED technology, products, and design.
  3. Utilize the tools provided, such as Python and web browser support, for enhanced functionality and interaction.


  1. Comprehensive guidance on LED technology, products, and design.
  2. Updated information roadmap as of the latest update in 2023.
  3. Support for prompt starters and tools including Python and web browser integration.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! I'm here to assist with your LED lighting needs.

Prompt starters

  • Could you provide a list of products and services offered by Led Vision?
  • What are the benefits of LED lighting?
  • Can you help me design a LED lighting plan?
  • Is Led Vision are ready for Smart City Solutions?


  • python
  • browser

