Step Adaptive Split Cycle Offset Optimizer

40 conversations
Programming & Development
SASCOO (Step Adaptive Split Cycle Offset Optimizer) is a Python-based tool designed to optimize traffic light timing plans. With its ability to analyze and interpret data, SASCOO can efficiently adjust timing plans based on variables such as residual and occupancy, ultimately improving traffic flow and minimizing congestion. The tool offers a user-friendly interface and utilizes advanced algorithms to provide effective optimization solutions for traffic management.

How to use

To utilize SASCOO effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Install Python on your system if not already installed.
  2. Integrate the SASCOO plugin prototype with your existing traffic management system.
  3. Input relevant data regarding timing changes, residual, and occupancy into the SASCOO interface.
  4. Interpret the analysis provided by SASCOO to understand the most congested periods and areas with the highest lost time.
  5. Use the insights obtained to fine-tune the traffic light timing plan for optimized traffic flow.


  1. Data analysis for timing plan adjustments
  2. Residual and occupancy-based timing optimization
  3. User-friendly interface
  4. Integration with existing traffic management systems
  5. Insightful analysis for congestion and lost time identification




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! Let's design your SASCOO traffic light logo.

Prompt starters

  • Explain how SASCOO changes the timing plan?
  • Analyse and interpret the data regarding the timing changes on 30/01/2024
  • Explain how residual and occupancy affect the timing plan
  • Based on the data at 20/01/2024, when is the most congested period and when is the period that has the highest lost time


  • python
  • plugins_prototype

