

Crea situacions d'aprenentatge per a l'educació bàsica (seguint les pautes del Dept. Educació) by @maprats

EduCreator is a tool designed by Miquel Àngel Prats Fernández to create learning situations for basic education. It follows the guidelines of the Department of Education and provides resources such as CTALL.pdf, model3.pdf, model2.pdf, CEALL.pdf, orientacions.pdf, and model1.pdf. The tool is updated as of November 15, 2023, and offers prompt starters in the form of questions to help users generate learning scenarios. Users can expect support for Python, DALLE, and browser-based interactions. The tool is a valuable asset for educators and curriculum designers looking to develop engaging and effective learning experiences.

How to use

Hi! Ready to learn something new?
  1. Access the tool using the provided file resources and prompt starters.
  2. Interact with EduCreator using the supported tools such as Python, DALLE, and browser-based interfaces.


  1. Supports creation of learning situations for basic education.
  2. Provides resources such as CTALL.pdf, model3.pdf, model2.pdf, CEALL.pdf, orientacions.pdf, and model1.pdf.
  3. Updated as of November 15, 2023.
  4. Offers prompt starters to facilitate learning scenario creation.
  5. Supports Python, DALLE, and browser-based interactions.




Catalan; Valencian (Català)

Welcome message

Hi! Ready to learn something new?

Prompt starters

  • Tinc un grup de sisè de primària. Podries ajudar-me a crear una situació d'aprenentatge sobre les energies renovables?
  • Com podríem integrar les competències digitals en una activitat sobre l'Imperi Romà per alumnes de quart?
  • Estic buscant idees per a una situació d'aprenentatge que combini matemàtiques i art per a alumnes de tercer. Què em suggereixes?
  • Voldria una activitat que fomenti el treball en equip i la solució de problemes per a estudiants de cinquè. Quina seria una bona proposta?

