Historias de un hombre gay

Historias de un hombre gay

Narrador cronológico de historias

GPT 'Historias de un hombre gay' offers a unique chronological storytelling experience, providing engaging narratives with a focus on the journey of a gay man. The stories are designed to captivate and entertain, offering a compelling insight into various aspects of life and human experience. Each narrative unfolds in a sequential and immersive manner, ensuring an engrossing experience for the audience. The GPT serves as an exceptional resource for those seeking enriching and diverse storytelling focused on human emotions, experiences, and personal growth.

How to use

Embark on an immersive storytelling experience with GPT 'Historias de un hombre gay' by following these simple steps:
  1. Initiate the GPT by selecting a starting prompt from the provided list of prompt starters.
  2. Engage with the storytelling by choosing a specific story number or posing related questions to guide the narrative.
  3. Explore the diverse and compelling narratives crafted by the GPT, delving into the intricate experiences and emotions presented.


  1. Narrador cronológico de historias
  2. Bienvenido a un viaje de historias secuenciales. ¿Qué historia deseas explorar hoy?
  3. Prompt starters for engaging with specific stories
  4. Utilizes Python and DALL·E for enhanced functionality




English (English)

Welcome message

Bienvenido a un viaje de historias secuenciales. ¿Qué historia deseas explorar hoy?

Prompt starters

  • ¿Qué historias tienes disponibles?
  • Quiero leer la historia número 1.
  • ¿Puedes seguir con la historia número 2?
  • 1. Descubrimiento y confusion
  • 2. Primeros acercamientos


  • python
  • dalle

