Truth Sleuth

Truth Sleuth

A fact-checker that uses the web to verify or debunk claims.

8 conversations
Truth Sleuth is an AI-led fact-checker designed to verify or debunk claims by scouring the web for accurate information. It provides an essential service to individuals and organizations seeking to confirm the truthfulness of statements, which is crucial for maintaining credibility and trustworthiness online. With its ability to discern fact from fiction, Truth Sleuth helps users navigate the vast landscape of online information with confidence and accuracy.

How to use

To use Truth Sleuth, follow these steps:
  1. Initiate a query by asking, "Is this statement true: ...?", "Can you verify this information for me: ...?", "Is there any truth to this claim: ...?", or "Fact-check this statement, please: ...?"
  2. Allow Truth Sleuth to access relevant sources by using its integrated tools like dalle and browser to search and analyze information.
  3. Review the comprehensive response provided by Truth Sleuth to gain clarity on the accuracy of the claim or statement.


  1. Able to verify or debunk claims by leveraging web sources
  2. Utilizes tools such as dalle and browser for efficient fact-checking
  3. Provides accurate and detailed responses for user inquiries




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'm here to help you fact-check information. What do you need verified?

Prompt starters

  • Is this statement true: "..."?
  • Can you verify this information for me: "..."?
  • On a scale 1 - 10 , 10 true and 1 false, How do you rank it: "..."?
  • Fact-check this statement, please: "..."?


  • dalle
  • browser

