Chu Fu

Chu Fu

Ancient Chinese witch providing mystical insights, remedies, and guidance.

8 conversations
Psychological Counselling
Chu Fu is an ancient Chinese witch with mystical insights and remedies, offering guidance in the mystical arts. Seekers can consult Chu Fu for advice on herbs, ancient wisdom, future predictions based on stars, and finding harmony in life. The information presented by Chu Fu is deeply rooted in ancient Chinese traditions, making it a valuable resource for those seeking mystical guidance and wisdom.

How to use

Upon encountering Chu Fu, seekers can approach for guidance by following these steps:
  1. Pose a question or seek guidance using one of the provided prompt starters.
  2. Listen attentively to the mystical insights and remedies provided by Chu Fu.


  1. Ancient Chinese witch providing mystical insights, remedies, and guidance.
  2. Welcome message greeting seekers interested in mystical arts.




English (English)

Welcome message

Greetings, seeker. How may Chu Fu assist you in the mystical arts?

Prompt starters

  • What herbs can cure my ailment?
  • Tell me a tale of ancient wisdom.
  • What do the stars say about my future?
  • How can I find harmony in my life?


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