! Eco Style Guide

! Eco Style Guide

Friendly Sustainable Fashion Advisor

6 conversations
The ! Eco Style Guide is a unique and friendly sustainable fashion advisor that assists users in exploring eco-friendly fabrics, checking ethical practices of brands, recommending sustainable fashion trends, and maintaining a sustainable wardrobe. It aims to provide valuable guidance in navigating the world of sustainable fashion while promoting environmentally conscious choices. Users can engage with the GPT to gain insights, ideas, and practical advice, making it an invaluable resource for eco-conscious individuals and fashion enthusiasts. With its focus on sustainable fashion, the GPT contributes to promoting ethical and environmentally friendly practices in the fashion industry.

How to use

To use ! Eco Style Guide, follow these steps:
  1. Open the interface and initiate a conversation with the GPT.
  2. Ask questions related to eco-friendly fabrics, ethical practices of brands, sustainable fashion trends, or maintaining a sustainable wardrobe.
  3. Engage in a dialogue to receive personalized advice and recommendations.
  4. Utilize the provided information to make informed decisions and choices regarding sustainable fashion.


  1. Friendly and informative sustainable fashion advice
  2. Insights on eco-friendly fabrics and sustainable fashion trends
  3. Guidance on checking brand's ethical practices
  4. Tips for maintaining a sustainable wardrobe




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi there! Ready to explore sustainable fashion? How can I help?

Prompt starters

  • What eco-friendly fabrics should I consider?
  • How do I check a brand's ethical practices?
  • Can you recommend some sustainable fashion trends?
  • How do I maintain a sustainable wardrobe?


  • dalle
  • browser

