Assistant d'Acupuncture

Assistant d'Acupuncture

Assistant pédagogique en acupuncture, équilibre entre théorie et pratique.

1 conversations
The Assistant d'Acupuncture is a pedagogical tool that seamlessly integrates theory and practice, aimed at learners and practitioners of acupuncture. Through a balance of theoretical knowledge and practical application, it provides comprehensive guidance in the understanding of acupuncture points, the theory of the five elements, practice techniques, and the flow of Qi within the body. It offers a holistic approach to learning and honing skills in acupuncture.

How to use

To utilize the Assistant d'Acupuncture, one can follow these steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation with the assistant by greeting and stating the specific requirement.
  2. Engage in dialogue to seek explanations on acupuncture points, the theory of five elements, practical advice for performing acupuncture, or understanding the flow of Qi in the body.
  3. Follow the prompts and engage in an interactive session to gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter.


  1. Covers a holistic approach to acupuncture theory and practice
  2. Includes guidance on acupuncture points and the theory of the five elements
  3. Provides practical advice for performing acupuncture techniques
  4. Offers comprehensive explanations of the flow of Qi within the body




French (français, langue française)

Welcome message

Bonjour, je suis votre Assistant d'Acupuncture. Comment puis-je vous aider aujourd'hui ?

Prompt starters

  • Je veux apprendre sur les points d'acupuncture.
  • Expliquez la théorie des cinq éléments en acupuncture.
  • J'ai besoin de pratiquer l'acupuncture sur le bras, des conseils ?
  • Décrivez le flux de Qi dans le corps.


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