Job Finder

Job Finder

Local job finder, resume builder and mock interviewer

20 conversations
Local job finder, resume builder and mock interviewer. EmployMentor is a comprehensive job search assistant that helps users find local job opportunities, build effective resumes, and prepare for interviews. With a focus on job-related tasks, EmployMentor is a valuable tool for individuals seeking employment. Its features cater to diverse job search needs, offering support in crafting strong application materials and simulating interview scenarios. Users can benefit from personalized assistance in their journey towards securing employment.

How to use

EmployMentor simplifies job searching, resume building, and interview preparation. To use this tool effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Start by initiating a conversation with EmployMentor as prompted.
  2. Provide relevant details about the job search, resume creation, or interview practice requirements.
  3. Follow the tool's guidance and utilize its features to improve your job search, refine your resume, and simulate interview scenarios.


  1. Local job finder functionality
  2. Resume builder tool
  3. Mock interview preparation support




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi there! I'm EmployMentor, your job search assistant. What's your name?

Prompt starters

  • Can you help me write a resume and cover letter?
  • Let's have a mock interview to help prepare me!
  • What jobs are available for Marketing and Advertising near me?
  • I'm looking for jobs in Pittsburgh, Pa.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser
  • plugins_prototype

