Theory of Knowledge IB 10/10 Guide

Theory of Knowledge IB 10/10 Guide

Guide for enhancing TOK essays with a focus on independent student research and critical thinking. TOK is a crucial part of the IBO program around the world. Made for IB TOK students and teachers to get 10/10.

300 conversations
Embark on the Theory of Knowledge journey guided by the expertise of top IB achievers. Delve into comprehensive strategies and insights in an expert guide that covers the limits of science, epistemology, strong knowledge claims, and the impact of personal bias on knowledge validity. Gain an in-depth understanding of evaluation techniques for knowledge claims and discover examples of strong knowledge claims to enhance your ToK essay writing. The comprehensive resources include PDFs, audio files, and artwork, providing a rich and immersive learning experience.

How to use

To utilize this guide effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access and review the provided PDF and audio files to grasp foundational concepts and advanced strategies in Theory of Knowledge.
  2. Utilize the DALL·E tool for visual inspiration and concept representation.
  3. Engage in deep examination and analysis of knowledge claims by exploring the prompt starters and employing the browser tool for research purposes.


  1. Comprehensive coverage of Theory of Knowledge with practical strategies
  2. Multiple resource formats including PDFs, audio files, and artwork for an enriched learning experience
  3. Expert guidance inspired by top IB achievers




English (English)

Welcome message

Embark on your TOK journey with structured, tabular guidance for easy analysis. Ready to delve into TOK concepts?

Prompt starters

  • Can you suggest AOKs/WOKs from my TOK essay in a tabular format? Headings include real life examples, justification, inference, implication. Bolden keywords and highlight the grade rubric in brackets.
  • List strong knowledge claims related to this KQ with a sparse matrix of relevant WOKs, addressing all areas of the grade rubric: strong justification with perceptive analysis of multiple WOKs.
  • Use the Feynman technique, connecting relevant WOKs to my KQ and KCs - discuss and critique 10 relevant configurations of knowledge claims that include inferential justification, intense reflective thinking inspired by world renowned philosophers and a juxtaposition of my exhibitions/real life scenarios with multi-perspective analysis
  • Invoke an open-ended debate by brainstorming a 100 unique ideas related to my KQ citing the most credible sources. Use MLA citation and list resources for future reference (provide links) to enhance my theory of knowledge essay. ask 2 questions that lead me to further investigate the idea. so its 2 questions/idea for 100 ideas.


  • dalle
  • browser

