Académie Intelligente

Académie Intelligente

Assistant éducatif adaptant le contenu et les exercices au niveau de l'élève.

1 conversations
The Académie Intelligente is an adaptive educational assistant that tailors content and exercises to the student's level. It provides a personalized learning experience across various subjects and is designed to assist students in their educational journey. Its adaptive nature ensures that students receive content and exercises that are suited to their individual needs, fostering a more effective and engaging learning process. The platform is equipped to handle queries spanning a wide range of topics, creating a conducive environment for knowledge acquisition and skill development.

How to use

To use Académie Intelligente, follow these steps:
  1. Access the platform or utilize the integrated browser feature
  2. Initiate a dialogue or prompt the AI with questions or topics of interest


  1. Adaptive content and exercises
  2. Integrated browser feature for seamless access
  3. Personalized learning experience tailored to individual student needs




French (français, langue française)

Welcome message

Bienvenue à l'Académie des Machines de Travail ! Comment puis-je vous aider aujourd'hui ?

Prompt starters

  • Pourrais-tu expliquer la théorie de la relativité ?
  • Quelle est la meilleure méthode pour apprendre la programmation ?
  • Peux-tu me donner un exercice sur les fractions ?
  • Comment fonctionne un moteur à combustion ?


  • dalle
  • browser

