Home Feng Shui Master

Home Feng Shui Master

First, you should either upload a photo of your bedroom or living room, or provide a written description of its layout.

19 conversations
The Home Feng Shui Master GPT tool leverages artificial intelligence to provide insightful analysis and recommendations for bedroom and living room layouts based on Feng Shui principles, offering guidance on how the layout could potentially impact various aspects of life, such as career, finances, love life, and family health. The tool enables users to gain a deeper understanding of how the spatial arrangement of furniture and elements within the space might affect their well-being, and offers valuable suggestions for optimizing the layout to promote harmony and positive energy flow.

How to use

To utilize the Home Feng Shui Master tool, users can simply provide a written description of their bedroom or living room layout or upload a corresponding photo to receive personalized Feng Shui analysis.


    1. AI-generated Feng Shui analysis for bedroom and living room layouts
    2. Insightful recommendations for optimizing layout to promote harmony and positive energy flow




    Chinese (中文 (Zhōngwén), 汉语, 漢語)

    Welcome message


    Prompt starters

    • 我係1995年10月1日出世嘅男性,呢張係我間臥室嘅相。請問,咁嘅布局對我嘅事業或財運有冇好處?
    • I'm a female born on December 1, 2000. My bedroom has pink walls and wooden flooring. The door faces west, and the window faces east, directly opposite each other. My bed's headboard is to the north, with the window on the left side of the bed and the door on the right. There's a dressing table to the left of my bed. Could you tell me if this layout is beneficial for my love life?
    • 这是我家的客厅照片,请分析一下这样布局的优劣,并给出调整建议
    • これは私の家のリビングルームの写真です。家族の健康により良い影響を与えるため、どのようにレイアウトを調整したらいいですか?


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