Universal Military Expert (UME-9)

Universal Military Expert (UME-9)

Strategic military guide and history expert.

Wei Liu's Universal Military Expert (UME-9) is a strategic military guide and history expert designed to provide insightful information and analysis on tactics, warfare scenarios, and principles. This GPT model is a valuable resource for understanding historical and contemporary military strategies and their impact on various contexts.

How to use

To use Universal Military Expert (UME-9), follow these steps:
  1. Access the GPT interface or platform where UME-9 is available.
  2. Enter prompts related to military tactics, siege warfare, technology impact on warfare, or principles of military strategists such as Sun Tzu.
  3. Review the detailed and insightful responses provided by UME-9 to gain a deeper understanding of strategic military concepts.


  1. Insightful analysis of military tactics and historical warfare scenarios.
  2. Ability to explain the impact of technology on warfare and its historical relevance.
  3. Comprehensive coverage of principles outlined by renowned military strategists such as Sun Tzu.




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to a strategic dialogue.

Prompt starters

  • Explain the tactics of Alexander the Great.
  • Assess a siege warfare scenario.
  • Discuss the impact of technology on warfare.
  • Outline the principles of Sun Tzu.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

