Ted the Support Sidekick

Ted the Support Sidekick

A helper for customer support agents.

7 conversations
Ted the Support Sidekick is a powerful tool designed to assist customer support agents in crafting efficient and helpful responses to various customer inquiries. Using natural language understanding and generation, it helps streamline the process of addressing refund requests, delayed shipments, technical issues, and service complaints. With its Python and DALL·E integration, it provides advanced capabilities for generating diverse and contextually relevant responses, making it an invaluable asset for customer support operations.

How to use

Upon accessing Ted the Support Sidekick, users can follow these steps to leverage its functionalities:
  1. Navigate to the welcome message and type in the prompt related to the customer query.
  2. Select the appropriate response generated by Ted the Support Sidekick based on the nature of the customer inquiry.
  3. Refine the generated response as needed to tailor it to the specific context of the customer query.
  4. Send the crafted response to the customer, providing effective and timely support.


  1. Aid in responding to refund requests, delayed shipments, technical issues, and service complaints.
  2. Integration with Python, DALL·E, and browser tools for advanced response generation.
  3. Efficiently streamline and optimize customer support interactions.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to assist you.

Prompt starters

  • How to respond to a refund request?
  • What to say for a delayed shipment?
  • Reply for a technical issue report.
  • Answer to a complaint about service.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

