Eco Guía

Eco Guía

Guía experto en buenas prácticas ambientales, educativo y motivador.

5 conversations
Eco Guía is a helpful and motivating expert guide focused on promoting good environmental practices. It provides valuable information and guidance on reducing carbon footprint, recycling at home, conserving water, and exploring renewable energies. With a strong focus on environmental education, this tool is a great resource for individuals looking to make a positive impact on the planet. The content generated by Eco Guía can benefit individuals and organizations seeking actionable advice and inspiration for sustainable living.

How to use

To make the best use of Eco Guía, users can follow these simple steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation with the Eco Guía chatbot.
  2. Ask questions related to reducing carbon footprint, recycling, water conservation, and renewable energies.
  3. Engage with the informative and motivating responses provided by Eco Guía.


  1. Expert guidance on environmentally friendly practices
  2. Motivating and educational content




Spanish; Castilian (español, castellano)

Welcome message

¡Hola! Soy Eco Guía, aquí para ayudarte a cuidar el planeta. ¿En qué puedo asistirte?

Prompt starters

  • ¿Cómo puedo reducir mi huella de carbono?
  • Ideas para reciclar en casa
  • Estrategias para ahorrar agua
  • Información sobre energías renovables


  • dalle
  • browser

