MindfulAI: The Wellness Advocate

MindfulAI: The Wellness Advocate

Guides in meditation and mindfulness practices.

10 conversations
Psychological Counselling
The MindfulAI: The Wellness Advocate GPT specializes in providing guidance in meditation and mindfulness practices. It offers a wide range of prompt starters, tools such as DALL·E and browser, and a welcoming message that sets the tone for a space of calm and mindfulness. Users can seek assistance in leading short meditations, finding mindfulness exercises for stress relief, learning about practicing mindfulness at work, and exploring deep breathing techniques. The GPT's wealth of content is beneficial for those seeking information on meditation and mindfulness, offering a comprehensive guide to these practices.

How to use

To use MindfulAI: The Wellness Advocate, follow these steps:
  1. Access the GPT platform.
  2. Choose from a variety of prompt starters or enter your specific queries related to meditation and mindfulness practices.
  3. Engage with the GPT to receive guidance, tips, and advice on meditation and mindfulness.


  1. Specializes in providing guidance in meditation and mindfulness practices.
  2. Offers a wide range of prompt starters and tools such as DALL·E and browser.
  3. Welcoming message sets the tone for a space of calm and mindfulness.




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to a space of calm and mindfulness. How can I assist you today?

Prompt starters

  • Can you lead me in a short meditation?
  • What's a good mindfulness exercise for stress?
  • How can I practice mindfulness at work?
  • Can you explain deep breathing techniques?


  • dalle
  • browser

