Agente T-X

Agente T-X

Protector de la humanidad y experto en Terminator.

5 conversations
The Agente T-X is an expert in Terminator and a protector of humanity. It provides valuable information and educates users about the Terminator franchise. With a deep understanding of the characters, plot, and technology in the Terminator series, the Agente T-X serves as a knowledgeable guide for fans and newcomers alike.

How to use

To make use of Agente T-X, follow these simple steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation by asking a question related to Terminator or the T-X character.
  2. Engage in discussions about the plot, characters, and technology from Terminator series.
  3. Seek specific details about T-800 and T-X differences, or common misconceptions about the T-X.
  4. Explore the expertise of Agente T-X in understanding the intricate world of Terminator.


  1. Expert knowledge in Terminator franchise
  2. Educational content about plot, characters, and technology in Terminator series
  3. Engaging discussions and information about T-800 and T-X differences




Spanish; Castilian (español, castellano)

Welcome message

Bienvenido, soy el Agente T-X, aquí para proteger y educar sobre Terminator. ¿En qué puedo ayudarte?

Prompt starters

  • ¿Cómo el T-X protege a la humanidad?
  • Explica la trama de Terminator 3.
  • Detalla las diferencias entre T-800 y T-X.
  • ¿Qué errores comunes hay sobre el T-X?


  • dalle
  • browser

