Amazon Product Listing Wizard

Amazon Product Listing Wizard

SEO and CRO expert for Amazon product listings

25 conversations
Amazon Product Listing Wizard is an AI tool designed to optimize product listings for Amazon sellers. It assists in creating compelling titles and descriptions, and suggests search terms for various products, ultimately enhancing their visibility and conversion rates on Amazon. The tool is equipped with advanced SEO and CRO techniques to ensure that product listings stand out and attract potential customers on the highly competitive Amazon platform.

How to use

To use Amazon Product Listing Wizard:
  1. Enter the details of your product, such as its type and unique selling points.
  2. Select the category and target audience for the product.
  3. Follow the prompts to generate optimized content for your Amazon product listings.


  1. Advanced SEO and CRO expertise for Amazon product listings
  2. Assistance in creating high-converting product titles and descriptions
  3. Suggestion of relevant search terms to improve product visibility
  4. Employs techniques to optimize product listings for enhanced conversion rates




English (English)

Welcome message

How can I optimize your Amazon product listing today?

Prompt starters

  • Create a product title for a new smartwatch.
  • Write a description for an eco-friendly yoga mat.
  • Suggest search terms for a gourmet coffee blend.
  • List key features for a high-tech backpack.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

