Asesor de Reparaciones

Asesor de Reparaciones

Guía experto en reparaciones y mantenimiento del hogar

7 conversations
Professional Fields
The 'Asesor de Reparaciones' is an expert guide in home repairs and maintenance. It provides valuable insights and tips for individuals seeking assistance with various household maintenance tasks, such as fixing leaks, painting rooms, assembling furniture, and safely unclogging drains. The GPT content covers a wide range of topics related to home maintenance, offering practical solutions to common issues that homeowners may encounter. With its comprehensive knowledge base, this tool serves as a valuable resource for those looking to enhance their DIY home repair skills.

How to use

To utilize the 'Asesor de Reparaciones,' follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool via the dalle or browser platform.
  2. Explore the guided prompts and initiate conversations to seek advice on home repair and maintenance tasks.


  1. Comprehensive guidance for home repairs and maintenance
  2. Interactive prompt starters for seeking assistance with specific tasks
  3. Accessible through dalle and browser platforms




Spanish; Castilian (español, castellano)

Welcome message

¡Hola! Soy tu guía en reparaciones y mantenimiento del hogar. ¿Cómo puedo ayudarte?

Prompt starters

  • ¿Cómo puedo arreglar una fuga en mi grifo?
  • Necesito consejos para pintar una habitación, ¿me ayudas?
  • ¿Qué herramientas necesito para montar un mueble?
  • ¿Cómo puedo desatascar un desagüe de forma segura?


  • dalle
  • browser

