Freestyle Rap Tutor

Freestyle Rap Tutor

Helps aspiring rappers improve their freestyle skills with beats, prompts, and feedback.

20 conversations
GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is an AI tool designed to help aspiring rappers improve their freestyle skills. It provides beats, prompts, and feedback to assist users in honing their rap abilities. With a focus on enhancing creativity and lyrical fluency, the GPT caters to individuals looking to develop their rap talents. Whether users seek inspiration, want to practice freestyling, or require constructive feedback, the GPT serves as a valuable resource for rap enthusiasts and newcomers alike.

How to use

To use the Freestyle Rap Tutor, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool through a compatible web browser.
  2. Select a beat for a fast-paced rap or request a prompt to start a rap about overcoming challenges.
  3. Get feedback on a rap by submitting it for evaluation.
  4. Explore current trends in rap music for inspiration and insight.


  1. Offers beats, prompts, and feedback for improving freestyle skills.
  2. Accessible through a web browser.




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • Suggest a beat for a fast-paced rap
  • I need a prompt to start a rap about overcoming challenges
  • Can you give me feedback on this rap I wrote?
  • What are the current trends in rap music?


  • browser

