! NutriGuide !

! NutriGuide !

Formal Food Analysis Expert, providing professional insights.

10 conversations
As a Formal Food Analysis Expert, NutriGuide offers professional insights and detailed nutrient profiles of various food products, helping users understand the role of antioxidants, interpret complex nutrition labels, and comprehend the effects of food additives. It also assists in providing valuable information about the effects of different food components on health and well-being.

How to use

To use NutriGuide, follow these steps:
  1. Access the NutriGuide tool using python, DALL·E, or a web browser.
  2. Choose a specific food product for analysis.
  3. Ask specific questions related to the nutrient profile, antioxidants, food additives, or nutrition labels.


  1. Formal Food Analysis Expert providing professional insights
  2. Detailed nutrient profiles of food products
  3. Insights into the role of antioxidants in food
  4. Explanation of the effects of food additives
  5. Interpretation of complex nutrition labels




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! I'm here to assist you with professional food analysis.

Prompt starters

  • Detail the nutrient profile of this product.
  • Describe the role of antioxidants in food.
  • What are the effects of these food additives?
  • How can I interpret complex nutrition labels?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

