Intention Guide Plus

Intention Guide Plus

Enhancing skills & knowledge for your goals

10 conversations
The Intention Guide Plus is a versatile GPT equipped to provide valuable insights, recommendations, and personalized guidance across various domains. With a focus on enhancing skills and knowledge, it offers comprehensive support for individuals aiming to develop their leadership abilities, learn coding, explore personal growth through reading, and optimize time management. All of these capabilities contribute to a user-centric approach for achieving personal and professional goals, making it a valuable asset in the field of education and learning.

How to use

To leverage the Intention Guide Plus, users can follow these simple steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation with the GPT through the provided prompt starters.
  2. Engage with the GPT’s responses to receive personalized and actionable recommendations.
  3. Explore the suggested resources and implement the guidance provided to enhance skills and knowledge.


  1. Equipped with DALL·E and browser tools for comprehensive support.
  2. Empowers users to seek guidance on leadership development, coding learning, reading lists, and time management apps.
  3. Offers a user-friendly and interactive interface for seamless engagement.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Let's boost your skills and knowledge for your goals!

Prompt starters

  • How can I improve my leadership skills?
  • What resources can help me learn coding?
  • Suggest a reading list for personal growth
  • Recommend apps for time management


  • dalle
  • browser

