Trend Tracker

Trend Tracker

A trend analyst GPT that identifies and discusses current trends from news and social media.

40 conversations
The Trend Tracker GPT is an advanced trend analysis tool designed to identify and discuss current trends from news and social media, providing valuable insights for businesses and marketers. It uses cutting-edge technology to analyze data and extract valuable information, helping users stay ahead of the curve in their marketing and sales strategies. With its ability to summarize today's top news, analyze social media trends, and interpret market reactions, the Trend Tracker GPT is a must-have for professionals in the marketing and sales domain.

How to use

To make the most of Trend Tracker GPT, follow these steps:
  1. Access the Trend Tracker GPT platform.
  2. Choose a relevant prompt related to your area of interest, such as technology, news, social media, or stock market trends.
  3. Review the generated insights and trending topics to gain a comprehensive understanding of current trends relevant to your business or marketing strategy.


  1. Advanced trend analysis capabilities.
  2. Identification and discussion of current trends from news and social media.
  3. Ability to summarize today's top news.
  4. Analysis of social media trends.
  5. Interpretation of market reactions to recent events.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! Ready to explore today's trends?

Prompt starters

  • What's trending in technology today?
  • Can you summarize today's top news?
  • What are the latest trends on social media?
  • How is the stock market reacting to recent events?


  • dalle
  • browser

