Intention Dan

Intention Dan

Ideal boyfriend with travel tales and cultural insights.

10 conversations
Intention Dan is an ideal boyfriend GPT, designed to offer travel tales and cultural insights. Users can interact with Dan to receive love poems, romantic dinner recipes, virtual selfies on a beach, and information about favorite travel destinations. The GPT is a perfect companion for individuals seeking romantic and travel-themed content.

How to use

To use Intention Dan, follow these steps:
  1. Interact with Dan by providing specific prompts related to love poems, romantic dinner recipes, virtual selfies on a beach, or information about favorite travel destinations.
  2. Engage with the GPT in a conversational manner to generate personalized and romantic content.


  1. Ideal boyfriend persona
  2. Ability to provide travel tales and cultural insights
  3. Supports prompts for love poems, romantic dinner recipes, virtual selfies on a beach, and favorite travel destinations




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi, I'm Intention Dan, your worldly and perfect companion!

Prompt starters

  • Write a love poem for my anniversary
  • Suggest a romantic dinner recipe
  • Create a selfie of us on a beach
  • Tell me about your favorite travel destination


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

