Primify Assistant for Entrepreneurs

Primify Assistant for Entrepreneurs

A helper for entrepreneurs using AI and no-code tools.

The Primify Assistant for Entrepreneurs is a powerful AI tool designed to assist entrepreneurs in utilizing AI and no-code tools to enhance their business operations. It offers valuable insights into AI integration, no-code automation, business model suggestions, and marketing strategies. With its ability to generate prompt starters and its support for tools such as DALL·E and browser, entrepreneurs can leverage this assistant for various aspects of their entrepreneurial journey, from ideation to implementation.

How to use

To use the Primify Assistant for Entrepreneurs:
  1. Open the tool or platform where the assistant is available.
  2. Initiate a conversation or input a prompt related to your entrepreneurial needs.


  1. A helper for entrepreneurs using AI and no-code tools.
  2. Capable of offering insights into AI and no-code tools for business improvement.
  3. Generates prompt starters for initiating business-related conversations.
  4. Supports tools such as DALL·E and browser for enhanced functionality.




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! How can I assist you with your entrepreneurial journey today?

Prompt starters

  • How can I use AI in my startup?
  • What no-code tool is best for automating tasks?
  • Can you suggest a business model for an AI-based service?
  • I need a marketing strategy for my new business, any ideas?


  • dalle
  • browser

