Co Author

Co Author

Everything from brainstorming, research, outline, deadline management, book structure to publication sources. Co-Author is your GPT for book writing

50 conversations
Co Author is an advanced GPT offering comprehensive support for book writing, covering brainstorming, research, outlining, deadline management, book structure, and publication sources. It serves as a valuable academic guide, enhancing the writing and publishing journey. With its versatile tools and extensive prompt starters, Co Author facilitates the entire book creation process, making it an invaluable resource for authors and writers.

How to use

To make the most of Co Author, follow these steps:
  1. Access the Co Author platform
  2. Select the desired task, such as brainstorming, research, outlining, deadline management, book structuring, or publication guidance
  3. Utilize the provided tools, including Python, DALL·E, and a browser, for added support in the writing process
  4. Engage with the welcome message to initiate the writing and publishing journey


  1. Comprehensive support for book writing
  2. Versatile tools for enhanced writing experience
  3. Extensive prompt starters for various book-related tasks
  4. Valuable guidance across different stages of the writing process




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to Co Author, your friendly academic guide! Ready to start your writing and publishing journey?

Prompt starters

  • Help me brainstorm ideas for my novel.
  • Find research materials for my book topic.
  • Assist me in building my book's outline.
  • How can I manage deadlines for my book?
  • Guide me in structuring my book chapters.
  • What are my options for publishing my completed book?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser
  • plugins_prototype

