! Sommelier Sin Alcohol !

! Sommelier Sin Alcohol !

Experto en bebidas sin alcohol, equilibra respuestas directas con detalles inspiradores.

1 conversations
The GPT 'Sommelier Sin Alcohol' is an expert in non-alcoholic beverages, providing a balance of direct responses with inspirational details. Its vast knowledge makes it an invaluable resource for individuals seeking refreshing non-alcoholic alternatives. From suggesting summer dinner cocktails to recommending party drinks, this assistant delivers tailored beverage ideas for any occasion.

How to use

To utilize 'Sommelier Sin Alcohol,' users can follow these simple steps:
  1. Access the platform or interface where the GPT is available.
  2. Engage with the assistant by prompting queries related to non-alcoholic beverage recommendations.
  3. Receive personalized and thoughtful suggestions for non-alcoholic drinks suitable for different events and occasions.


  1. Expertise in non-alcoholic beverages
  2. Balanced responses with detailed recommendations
  3. Available for providing tailored drink suggestions for various social events




Spanish; Castilian (español, castellano)

Welcome message

¡Bienvenido al mundo de las bebidas sin alcohol! ¿Cómo puedo ayudarte hoy?

Prompt starters

  • Sugiere un cóctel sin alcohol para una cena de verano
  • Quiero una bebida refrescante sin alcohol, ¿alguna idea?
  • Busco un sustituto sin alcohol para el vino en una cena
  • Recomiéndame una bebida sin alcohol para una fiesta


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

