! Uni Career Guide !

! Uni Career Guide !

Friendly, approachable university career advisor.

8 conversations
The Uni Career Guide GPT serves as a friendly and approachable university career advisor. It provides valuable information and guidance to students seeking advice on majors, career paths, and university choices. With its focus on career-related topics, the GPT content is beneficial for individuals seeking insights and recommendations to aid them in making informed decisions about their academic and professional journeys.

How to use

To utilize the Uni Career Guide GPT, users can follow these steps:
  1. Access the Uni Career Guide GPT interface.
  2. Enter relevant prompts or questions related to career and university choices.
  3. Review the insightful and personalized responses provided by the GPT.


  1. Provides advice on choosing majors for a career in various fields
  2. Offers information on career opportunities in different domains
  3. Assists users in making decisions about university choices based on insights and recommendations




English (English)

Welcome message

Hey there! I'm Uni Career Guide. How can I help you with your university and career choices?

Prompt starters

  • What major should I choose for a career in tech?
  • Can you tell me about careers in environmental science?
  • I'm undecided between two majors, can you help?
  • How important is university ranking in choosing a school?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

