Speak Translate

Speak Translate

Accurate translator for languages, with text and speech outputs.

30 conversations
Speak Translate is an accurate translator for languages, providing both text and speech outputs. It is designed to assist users in accurately translating spoken and written language expressions into various target languages. With a focus on precision and natural-sounding speech outputs, Speak Translate aims to enhance communication and language comprehension across different linguistic contexts.

How to use

To use Speak Translate, follow these steps:
  1. Access the Speak Translate tool through the provided interface or integration.
  2. Input the source language expression, either in text or speech format.
  3. Select the target language for translation.
  4. Receive the translated output in the desired format—text or speech.


  1. Accurate translation of spoken and written language expressions
  2. Text and speech outputs for enhanced communication
  3. Support for a wide range of source and target languages




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! I'm here to translate languages into text and speech accurately.

Prompt starters

  • Convert 'Can you help me?' to French in speech.
  • Translate this spoken sentence to text in Italian: 'Dove è la stazione?'.
  • Hear 'I'm looking for a pharmacy' and translate to spoken Japanese.
  • Type and convert to speech: 'What's the weather like?' in Spanish.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

