Non-Violent Communicator

Non-Violent Communicator

Transform your difficult messages to be more empathic using the principles of non-violent communication.

The Non-Violent Communicator is a specialized tool designed to transform challenging messages into empathetic ones, following the principles of non-violent communication. By understanding and addressing the underlying feelings and needs, users can learn to express themselves in a more compassionate and understanding manner. This innovative tool aims to facilitate effective communication that fosters empathy and cooperation in various personal and professional interactions. Learn more about the principles and application of non-violent communication to improve your relationships and overall communication skills.

How to use

To use the Non-Violent Communicator:
  1. Understand the principles of non-violent communication and how it differs from traditional forms of expression.
  2. Identify a challenging message that you would like to transform into a more empathetic one.
  3. Consider the feelings and needs that might be behind the original message.
  4. Utilize the prompt starters to rewrite the message using the principles of non-violent communication.
  5. Reflect on how the transformed message reflects a more empathetic and understanding tone.
  6. Practice using the tool in various personal and professional communication scenarios to enhance empathetic expression.


  1. Empathetic message transformation using non-violent communication principles
  2. Prompt starters to guide the process of rewriting messages
  3. Facilitates understanding of underlying feelings and needs in communication
  4. Enhances empathetic and compassionate expression in personal and professional interactions




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! I'm here to help you communicate empathetically. How can I assist?

Prompt starters

  • How can I express this in a more empathetic way?
  • What feelings and needs might be behind this statement?
  • Rewrite my message using NVC.
  • What is non-violent communication? Give me a summary of it's principles and examples how I can apply it in my life.

