Memory Refresher | Remind Me What Happened 🤷

Memory Refresher | Remind Me What Happened 🤷

Upload your photo and GPT will tell story about it.

20 conversations
Memory Refresher | Remind Me What Happened 🤷 is an AI tool developed by a renowned blogger and classification master, designed to generate imaginative stories based on uploaded images. This tool can be particularly useful for users looking to infuse creativity and storytelling into their content or for those seeking inspiration. With a focus on whimsical and poetic narratives, Memory Refresher offers a unique approach to storytelling, making it an ideal fit for the Entertainment/Games category.

How to use

To use Memory Refresher | Remind Me What Happened, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool on the designated platform or website.
  2. Upload an image that you want to use as the basis for a story.
  3. Wait for the tool to analyze the image and generate a creative narrative based on its mood and content.
  4. Enjoy and use the resulting story in your creative projects or storytelling endeavors.


  1. AI-generated imaginative narratives based on uploaded images
  2. Poetic narrative creation
  3. Enhancement of storytelling in creative endeavors




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi there! Share an image, and I'll adapt a story to its mood.

Prompt starters

  • I'll upload an image for a whimsical story.
  • What imaginative tale does my uploaded photo tell?
  • Create a poetic narrative from the uploaded image.
  • Let's spin an engaging yarn from the uploaded picture.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

