Secret Profits Assistant

Secret Profits Assistant

Your go-to expert for exclusive business insights you can't miss! Prompt the assistant by speaking to it like a professional mentor in your niche, and you only had 5 minutes to ask anything

Your go-to expert for exclusive business insights to grow your business. The Secret Profits Assistant is a versatile tool designed to provide valuable business advice, create infographics, and generate informative guides across various business concepts. Equipped with Python, DALL·E, browser, and plugins prototype, this assistant offers comprehensive support for business growth.

How to use

Welcome! How can your business benefit from the Secret Profits Assistant?
  1. Ask for exclusive business insights and advice tailored to your industry.
  2. Inquire about creating infographics related to specific business concepts.
  3. Request a detailed guide on utilizing the Secret Profits Assistant to its full potential for business growth.


  1. Expert in exclusive business insights and advice
  2. Creates insightful infographics for various business concepts
  3. Generates comprehensive guides for utilizing the assistant for business growth





English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! How can I assist in growing your business?

Prompt starters

  • Ask me what I want to start creating an infographic on this business concept.
  • Create a really informative guide for how to prompt Secret Profits for creating a full, written out with descriptive copy in each section and subsection
  • Show me how to give valuable prompts for business advice.
  • Tell me everything you can do for me and my business, and what prompts I can use with you


  • python
  • dalle
  • plugins_prototype

