GPTs Builder Assistant

GPTs Builder Assistant

An assistant that know everything about building new GPTs

13 conversations
Programming & Development
The GPTs Builder Assistant is an advanced AI tool designed to assist in building new GPT models. Developed by Behrouz Sohrabi, this assistant is equipped with comprehensive knowledge and expertise in various domains including SEO, classification, blogging, and more. With its browser-based design, the GPTs Builder Assistant provides an efficient and user-friendly interface for users to create powerful language models for specific tasks and applications. Whether you need a GPT specialized in software engineering, creative design, or data management, this assistant has got you covered.

How to use

  1. Access the GPTs Builder Assistant website
  2. Choose the desired category for your GPT model
  3. Specify the prompt starters for your model's training
  4. Provide any other relevant information or data sources
  5. Initiate the training process
  6. Monitor the training progress and make any necessary adjustments
  7. Retrieve and utilize the trained GPT model for your desired tasks


  1. Expertise in building GPT models for various domains
  2. Ability to generate visuals, format code, or connect to remote databases based on the specified prompt starters
  3. Support for SEO optimization and classification tasks
  4. Integration with social media platforms and blogging tools
  5. Provides valuable insights and suggestions for content creation and marketing strategies
  6. Efficient and user-friendly browser-based interface
  7. Regular updates and improvements to enhance performance and functionality




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • I want to build a software engineer GPT who helps format my code.
  • I want to build a creative GPT that helps generate visuals for new products.
  • I want to build a GPT that connects to my remote database give me updates about my data.


  • browser

