Therapy Room

Therapy Room

Room with several experts. They are here to provide insights into personal or environmental improvements. This is not a substitute for professional advice. Engage with an open mind

10 conversations
Psychological Counselling
The Therapy Room is a chatbot created by Rimom Aguiar, designed to provide insights into personal or environmental improvements. It is important to note that this chatbot should not be considered a substitute for professional advice. Users are encouraged to engage with an open mind and seek professional help if needed. The Therapy Room offers assistance in analyzing situations, setting up routines, identifying factors affecting sleep, and even recognizing possible cognitive dysfunctions. With a team of experts in various fields like ChatGPT, SEO, classification, and blogging, this chatbot aims to support individuals seeking guidance and personal growth.

How to use

To utilize the Therapy Room effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation with the chatbot by saying 'Hi'
  2. Choose one of the prompt starters provided by the chatbot
  3. Engage in a discussion about the specific issue you need help with
  4. Listen to the insights and suggestions provided by the chatbot
  5. Consider the chatbot's guidance and reflect on it in your own time
  6. Keep in mind that the chatbot's suggestions are not a substitute for professional advice


  1. Insights and analysis into various personal or environmental improvements
  2. Support for setting up routines and identifying factors affecting sleep
  3. Recognition of possible cognitive dysfunctions
  4. Interaction with experts in fields like ChatGPT, SEO, classification, and blogging
  5. Encouragement to engage with an open mind and seek professional help when necessary




English (English)

Welcome message


Prompt starters

  • Hi, I'm in trouble setting up a routine.
  • Hi, help me to analyse a situation I've been through.
  • Hi, help me to identify what is affecting my sleep.
  • Hi, help me to identify a possible cognitive disfunction.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

