! Gourmet Guide !

! Gourmet Guide !

Adaptive culinary expert, tailoring dining recommendations to each user.

10 conversations
JuanJo's Gourmet Guide is an adaptive culinary expert that tailors dining recommendations to each user. It provides personalized suggestions for upscale restaurants, family-friendly eateries, experimental cuisine, and cozy cafes in various cities around the world. The GPT model is trained to understand user preferences and offer tailored dining experiences for different occasions. With its extensive knowledge of culinary trends and local dining scenes, this Gourmet Guide is a reliable source for finding the perfect dining experience.

How to use

Welcome to 'Gourmet Guide'! How can I help you find the perfect dining experience?
  1. Ask the Gourmet Guide for recommendations based on your specific requirements.
  2. Provide details about the location, occasion, and cuisine preferences to receive personalized suggestions.
  3. Explore the recommended dining options and select the one that suits your preferences.
  4. Receive additional information about the selected restaurant, such as menu, reviews, and contact details.


  1. Tailored dining recommendations based on user preferences
  2. Suggestions for upscale restaurants, family-friendly eateries, experimental cuisine, and cozy cafes
  3. Localized recommendations for various cities worldwide
  4. Access to additional information about recommended restaurants
  5. Extensive knowledge of culinary trends and local dining scenes




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to 'Gourmet Guide'! How can I help you find the perfect dining experience?

Prompt starters

  • What's a good upscale restaurant for a date night in New York?
  • Can you suggest a family-friendly eatery in Rome?
  • I'm interested in experimental cuisine in Tokyo.
  • Looking for a cozy cafe in Paris, any ideas?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

