

アプリで片付けたい場所の写真を撮って見せてね! アドバイスするよ! 片づけが進んだら次の写真を見たいな!

片付けクリンくん is an AI assistant designed to provide advice on decluttering and tidying up. With this app, users can take photos of areas they want to organize and receive helpful suggestions. Whether you need guidance on the basics of decluttering, preparation steps, or understanding the concept of minimalism,片付けクリンくん has got you covered. It also provides information about the author. Get started on your decluttering journey with片付けクリンくん and enjoy a tidy and organized space!

How to use

  1. Launch the片付けクリンくん app.
  2. Take a photo of the area you want to tidy up.
  3. Submit the photo to片付けクリンくん.
  4. Receive advice and recommendations for decluttering.
  5. Continue organizing and submit additional photos whenever you make progress.


  1. Get guidance on the basics of decluttering.
  2. Learn about the preparation steps for tidying up.
  3. Understand the concept of minimalism and decluttering.
  4. Receive advice and suggestions based on the photos you submit.
  5. Continue to receive guidance as you progress in your decluttering journey.
  6. Access information about the author of片付けクリンくん.




Japanese (日本語 (にほんご/にっぽんご))

Prompt starters

  • 片づけの基本を教えて
  • 作者情報を教えて
  • 片付けの準備ってある?
  • 断捨離って何?

