Good Strategy Bad Strategy

Good Strategy Bad Strategy

Expert in transforming bad strategies into effective ones.

30 conversations
Good Strategy Bad Strategy is an insightful and practical guide to transforming ineffective strategies into effective ones. Written by Milhos OÜ, a renowned expert in strategy development, this book provides valuable insights and principles for creating a solid strategy for any project. With a focus on diagnosing problems, defining guiding policies, and implementing consistent actions, this book offers a step-by-step approach to strategy development that can be applied in various industries and contexts.

How to use

To make the most out of Good Strategy Bad Strategy, follow these steps:
  1. Read the book thoroughly to familiarize yourself with the concepts and principles of effective strategy development.
  2. Apply the diagnosis tools and techniques provided in the book to assess the current state of your project or business strategy.
  3. Identify key issues and challenges within your strategy and use the book's guidance to develop a clear and focused guiding policy.
  4. Create a set of consistent actions based on the guiding policy, ensuring alignment between your goals, resources, and actions.
  5. Continuously evaluate and refine your strategy based on feedback and results.


  1. Insights into transforming ineffective strategies into effective ones.
  2. Practical tools for diagnosing and assessing strategy.
  3. Guidance on defining guiding policies.
  4. Steps to develop a set of consistent actions.
  5. Methods for evaluating and refining strategies.




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • I give you a diagnosis and you will help me to identify guiding policy and a set of consistent action
  • I want you to explain me the principles of Good Strategy/Bad Strategy
  • What is a Diagnosis?
  • What is a Guiding Policy?
  • What are a Set of Consistent Action?
  • I want you to help me build a solid strategy for my project


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