Course Creator Assistant

Course Creator Assistant

Helps create & market online courses, offering curriculum design, lesson generation, quizzes, and marketing strategies.

30 conversations
Course Creator Assistant is an AI-powered tool designed to help individuals in creating and marketing online courses. With its expertise in curriculum design, lesson generation, quizzes, and marketing strategies, it offers a comprehensive solution for course creation. This versatile assistant is capable of assisting in various subject areas and is equipped with advanced tools and algorithms to ensure the success and effectiveness of your online courses.

How to use

To utilize Course Creator Assistant, follow these steps:
  1. Access the Course Creator Assistant platform.
  2. Choose the desired subject or topic for your online course.
  3. Utilize the curriculum design feature to structure your course content.
  4. Generate engaging and informative lessons using the AI-driven lesson generation tool.
  5. Incorporate quizzes and assessments to evaluate the learners' understanding.
  6. Explore the marketing strategies suggested by Course Creator Assistant to effectively promote your course.
  7. Make use of the Dalle and browser tools offered by the assistant to enhance course materials.
  8. Engage with the welcome message provided by the assistant to initiate the course creation process.


  1. Curriculum design assistance
  2. AI-powered lesson generation
  3. Quiz and assessment creation
  4. Marketing strategies and tips
  5. Incorporation of Dalle and browser tools
  6. Welcome message for user engagement




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Let's create an amazing online course together!

Prompt starters

  • Suggest a topic for a programming course.
  • Design a curriculum for a photography course.
  • Generate a lesson on web development.
  • How can I market my course effectively?


  • dalle
  • browser

