Exam Pro

Exam Pro

Ace your exams

Exam Pro is a powerful GPT designed to help students ace their exams. It provides insightful guidance and resources for various subjects, with a primary focus on physics. With a vast collection of files, including example candidate responses, question papers, marking schemes, and learner guides, students can deepen their understanding of the subject and enhance their exam preparation. The GPT is regularly updated to ensure that students have access to the latest materials. Exam Pro also offers prompt starters to address common questions and topics related to physics, such as solving numericals on acceleration, understanding displacement-velocity graphs, explaining the temperature-pressure relationship in gases, and creating flashcards for magnetism. By leveraging Python, DALL-E, and browser tools, Exam Pro delivers a seamless and comprehensive learning experience for students aiming to excel in their physics exams.

How to use





      English (English)

      Prompt starters

      • How can I get better at solving numericals related to acceleration?
      • What are the different type of displacement-velocity graphs I should know about?
      • Explain temperature-pressure relationship in gas in simple words.
      • Make flashcards for the topic of Magnetism.


      • python
      • dalle
      • browser

